Source code for src.preprocess.utils

import pickle
import shutil
import re
import hashlib
import base64
from datetime import datetime

import pandas as pd

[docs]def df_to_records(df: pd.DataFrame, dataset: str, drop_columns = []): """ Convert dataframe to a list of record oriented dicts. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Input dataset. dataset : str Name of provider dataset. drop_columns : type Which columns (if any) to drop. Returns ------- list List of row-wise dicts. """ if dataset == 'OXCGRT': records = oxcgrt_records(df, dataset, drop_columns) else: records = df.to_dict(orient="records") # ensure that the dataset doesn't have a `dataset` column # if so, we will have to change this try: assert "dataset" not in records[0].keys() except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Input dataset contains "dataset" column name.') # assign a dataset key to each record for x in records: x["dataset"] = dataset return records
[docs]def write_records(records: list, dir: str, fn: str): """ Write records to a pickle file. Parameters ---------- records : list List of preprocessed records. dir : str Output directory. fn : str Output file name. Returns ------- None """ try: print("Writing records.pickle...") pickle.dump(records, open(dir + "/" + "records.pickle", "wb")) except Exception as e: shutil.rmtree(dir) raise e("Unable to write tmp/preprocess/records.p.")
[docs]def oxcgrt_records(ox: pd.DataFrame, dataset: str, drop_columns: list = []): """ Function to convert OXCGRT data to list of record dicts. This presents an additional challenge because of the wide format of the OXCGRT data. Parameters ---------- ox : pd.DataFrame Input OXCGRT data. dataset : str Name of provider dataset. drop_columns : list Which columns (if any) to drop. Returns ------- list List of record dicts. """ full_value_names, value_names, stub_names = get_names(ox) id_columns = [x for x in list(set(ox.columns).difference(set(full_value_names))) if x not in drop_columns] records = ox.to_dict(orient="records") rs = [x for x in [get_measure_records(r, stub_names, id_columns, full_value_names) for r in records] if x != []] rs = [item for sublist in rs for item in sublist] return(rs)
[docs]def get_names(ox: pd.DataFrame): """ Get the names of columns holding measure information. These columns begin with the prefix "A1\_" etc. returns: full_value_names: the names of all columns with measure information value_names: the names of measure columns stub_names: the measure column prefixes (i.e. "A1") Parameters ---------- ox : pd.DataFrame Input OXCGRT dataset. Returns ------- full_value_names: list The names of all columns with measure information. value_names: list The names of measure columns. stub_names: list The measure column prefixes (i.e. "A1"). """ stub_exp = r'[A-Z][0-9]+_' full_value_names = [match for match in ox.columns if re.findall(stub_exp , match) != []] value_names = [x for x in full_value_names if 'Flag' not in x] value_names = [x for x in value_names if 'Notes' not in x] stub_names = [x.split('_')[0] for x in value_names] return(full_value_names, value_names, stub_names)
[docs]def get_measure_records(combined_record, stub_names, id_columns, full_value_names): """ Function to break rows into individual records by stub group. i.e. subset a row for only C4 records and other information, repeat for all possible measures. Also drops records where notes column is blank i.e. sum(notes columns) == 0. Parameters ---------- combined_record : type Dict of a single OXCGRT row. stub_names : type List of names of each stub group. id_columns : type List of columns to be retained as IDs. full_value_names : type List of full names of value columns. Returns ------- list List of dicts containing all records extracted from a given row. """ records = [] for stub in stub_names: stub_keys = [x for x in full_value_names if stub in x] keys = id_columns + stub_keys try: flag_key = [x for x in stub_keys if '_Flag' in x][0] except Exception: pass try: notes_key = [x for x in stub_keys if '_Notes' in x][0] except Exception: pass subset = {key: value for key, value in combined_record.items() if key in keys} # Pass record if notes are blank try: if sum([subset[notes_key]]) == 0: continue except Exception: pass try: subset['flag'] = subset.pop(flag_key) except Exception: subset['flag'] = 0.0 pass try: subset['notes'] = subset.pop(notes_key) except Exception: pass #replace 0.0 in id columns with None for col in id_columns: if subset[col] == 0.0: subset[col] = None measure_key = list(set(list(subset.keys())).difference(set(id_columns + ['measure_name', 'flag', 'notes']))) subset['measure'] = subset.pop(measure_key[0]) subset['measure_name'] = measure_key[0] records.append(subset) return(records)
[docs]def split_df_by_group(data: pd.DataFrame, group: str): """ Split a dataframe by group and return a named dictionary. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Input dataset. group : str Name of column to be used as group. Returns ------- dict Dict of dataset slices named by group. """ grouped = data.groupby(group) groups = grouped.groups grouped = [grouped.get_group(x) for x in grouped.groups] return(dict(zip(groups, grouped)))
[docs]def filter_new_hashes(data: pd.DataFrame, ingested_path: str, date_now: str ='%Y_%m_%d'), save_ingestion_hashes: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Filter records by the row-wise hashes of their content. Reduces the number of records that need to be processed from each dataset. Will not filter hashes that were ingested on the same day as the function is called. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Input data. ingested_path : str Path to ingested hash reference. date_now : str String of current date. save_ingestion_hashes: bool Should ingestion hashes be saved? Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Filtered data. """ # Read the reference file for ingested hashes ingested_hash_ref = pd.read_csv(ingested_path) # Filter for hashes that were not processed today ingested_hash_ref.loc[ingested_hash_ref['date_processed'] != date_now, :] # Define row-wise hashes for the input dataset data['_hash'] = get_row_hashes(data) # Filter for only hash values that have not been processed on a different day data = data.loc[[x not in ingested_hash_ref['hash'] for x in data['_hash']]] # Get the hashes that were just ingested new_hashes = pd.DataFrame({'hash': data['_hash'], 'date_processed': date_now}) # Remove _hash column from new data data = data.drop(columns=['_hash']) # Combine previous hash ref with new hash ref ingested_hash_ref = pd.concat([ingested_hash_ref, new_hashes]).drop_duplicates() # Write combined hash ref to csv file if save_ingestion_hashes is True if save_ingestion_hashes: ingested_hash_ref.to_csv(ingested_path, index=False) return(data)
[docs]def get_row_hashes(data: pd.DataFrame) -> list: """ Get row-wise base64 encoded hashes for a dataframe. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame Input data. Returns ------- list list of hashes. """ # Combine row values into a single string hash_strings = list(data.apply(lambda x: ''.join([str(x) for x in tuple(x)]), axis = 1)) # Hash and base64 encode string hashes = [base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha1(x.encode("UTF-8")).digest()) for x in hash_strings] return(hashes)