Source code for src.processing.utils

import pandas as pd
import re
import os
import logging
import uuid
import random

[docs]def generate_blank_record(): """ Generate a blank record with the correct WHO PHSM keys. Other objects requiring the same selection of keys descend from here. Returns ------- A blank record with keys in WHO PHSM column format. type dict. """ record = { "processed": None, "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "who_id": None, "who_id_original": None, "dataset": None, "prop_id": None, "keep": None, "duplicate_record_id": None, "who_region": None, "country_territory_area": None, "iso": None, "iso_3166_1_numeric": None, "admin_level": None, "area_covered": None, "prov_category": None, "prov_subcategory": None, "prov_measure": None, "who_code": None, "original_who_code": None, "who_category": None, "who_subcategory": None, "who_measure": None, "comments": None, "date_start": None, "measure_stage": None, "prev_measure_number": None, "following_measure_number": None, "date_end": None, "reason_ended": None, "targeted": None, "enforcement": None, "non_compliance_penalty": None, "value_usd": None, "percent_interest": None, "date_entry": None, "link": None, "link_live": None, "link_eng": None, "source": None, "source_type": None, "alt_link": None, "alt_link_live": None, "alt_link_eng": None, "source_alt": None, "queries_comments": None, "date_processed": None, "flag": None, "old_targeted": None } return record
[docs]def new_id(dataset: str, length: int = 6, existing_ids: list = [None]): """ Function to create a unique id given a list of existing ids. DEPRACATED? Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to which ids will be added. length : int Length of new ID number. existing_ids : list Vector of existing IDs. Returns ------- New ID number. type str. """ id = create_id(dataset, length) while id in existing_ids: id = create_id(dataset) return(id)
[docs]def create_id(dataset: str, length: int = 6): """ Create a random id of characters and numbers. DEPRACATED? Parameters ---------- dataset : str Dataset to which ids will be added. length : int Length of new ID number. Returns ------- New ID number. type str. """ characters = '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-' id = '' for i in range(0, length): id += random.choice(characters) id = dataset + '_' + str(id) return id
[docs]def apply_key_map(new_record: dict, old_record: dict, key_ref: dict): """ Apply key mapping between two records based on a key reference. Example: Given `key_ref`: `{'column1':'column2'}`. Extracts values from `old_record['column1']` to `new_record['column2']`. Parameters ---------- new_record : dict Record with WHO PHSM keys. old_record : dict Record with provider keys. key_ref : dict Reference for mapping keys between records. Returns ------- Record with new values appliued to specified keys. type dict. """ for key in key_ref: try: new_record = key_map(new_record, old_record, key['new_key'], key['old_key']) except Exception as e: print(e) continue return(new_record)
[docs]def key_map(new_record: dict, old_record: dict, new_key: str, old_key: str): """ Implements key mapping from `new_record` to `old_record`. For more information see `apply_key_map`. Parameters ---------- new_record : dict Record with WHO PHSM keys. old_record : dict Record with provider keys. new_key : str Key in `old_record`. old_key : str Corresponding key in `new_record`. Returns ------- type Record with information mapped from `new_key` to `old_key`. """ if not pd.isnull(new_key): new_record[new_key] = old_record[old_key] return(new_record)
[docs]def parse_date(record: dict): """Function to parse record date format. Currently relying on parsing behaviour of pandas.to_datetime. NOTE: This is vulnerable to USA format dates parsed as EU dates DEPRACATED? Parameters ---------- record : dict Dataset record. Returns ------- type Dataset record. """ record['date_start'] = pd.to_datetime(record['date_start']) record['date_end'] = pd.to_datetime(record['date_end']) record['date_entry'] = pd.to_datetime(record['date_entry']) return(record)
[docs]def get_min_id(fn: str, id_column: str = 'who_id'): """ Function to open a file and extract the maximum numeric. This will be the new min id to be incremented for the ID field. Future: should be replaced by a set difference of existing IDs and an arbitrary ID sequence. Example: Extracts numeric valeu of ID `ACAPS_1234` -> `1234`. Parameters ---------- fn : str Filename to reference dataset. id_column : str ID column name in reference dataset. Returns ------- Maximum numeric ID value. type int. """ data = pd.read_csv(fn, encoding='latin1', low_memory=False) return(max([int(re.findall(r'\d+', x)[0]) for x in data[id_column] if not pd.isna(x)]))
[docs]def assign_id(records: pd.DataFrame, min_id: int = 1): """ Function to assign a unique ID to each record. IDs are assigned in the format `DATASET_NUMBER`. i.e. `ACAPS_1234`. Parameters ---------- records : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe of records which will have ID numbers added. min_id : int Number to begin incrementing IDs from. Returns ------- type Dataframe with IDs added. """ #Ensure that no IDs are duplicated by incrementing by 1 min_id = min_id + 1 datasets = records['dataset'] ids = range(min_id, min_id + len(datasets)) ids = [x + '_' + str(y) for x, y in zip(datasets, ids)] records['who_id'] = ids return(records)
[docs]def assign_who_country_name(record: dict, country_ref: pd.DataFrame, missing_value: str='unknown'): """ Function to assign country names by ISO code. Also adds: `who_region`, `country_territory_area`, `iso_3166_1_numeric`. WHO recognizes standard country names which are transformed from ISOs defined on provider country names. Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. country_ref : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of country name mappings. missing_value : str Value to add if name mapping fails - defaults to "unknown". This value is recognized by output checks. Returns ------- type Record with country name mapping applied. """ country_ref = country_ref.loc[country_ref['iso'] == record['iso'], :] try: assert len(country_ref.iloc[:, 1]) == 1 except Exception: record['who_region'] = missing_value record['country_territory_area'] = missing_value record['iso_3166_1_numeric'] = missing_value return(record) record['who_region'] = str(country_ref['who_region'].iloc[0]) record['country_territory_area'] = str(country_ref['country_territory_area'].iloc[0]) record['iso_3166_1_numeric'] = int(country_ref['iso_3166_1_numeric'].iloc[0]) return(record)
[docs]def assign_who_coding(record: dict, who_coding: pd.DataFrame, missing_value: str = 'unknown'): """ Assign WHO coding to a record. Adds: `who_code`, `who_measure`, `who_subcategory`, `who_category`. Optionally adds: `targeted`, `non_compliance`, `enforcement`. Transforms provider coding of interventions to WHO PHSM coding. Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. who_coding : pd.DataFrame Dataframe of WHO PHSM intervention mappings. missing_value : str Value to add if name mapping fails - defaults to "unknown". This value is recognized by output checks. Returns ------- type Record with WHO PHSM code mapping applied. """ prov_measure = who_coding['prov_measure'] == none_to_empty_str(record['prov_measure']) prov_subcategory = who_coding['prov_subcategory'] == none_to_empty_str(record['prov_subcategory']) prov_category = who_coding['prov_category'] == none_to_empty_str(record['prov_category']) coding = who_coding.loc[prov_measure & prov_subcategory & prov_category, :] try: assert len(coding.iloc[:, 1]) == 1 except Exception: record['who_code'] = missing_value record['who_measure'] = missing_value record['who_subcategory'] = missing_value record['who_category'] = missing_value return(record) record['who_code'] = coding['who_code'].iloc[0] record['who_measure'] = coding['who_measure'].iloc[0] record['who_subcategory'] = coding['who_subcategory'].iloc[0] record['who_category'] = coding['who_category'].iloc[0] # try to assign a who_targeted (missing for most records) # WARNING: this could overwrite an existing targeted value try: if coding['who_targeted'].iloc[0] == '': raise ValueError else: record['targeted'] = coding['who_targeted'].iloc[0] except Exception: pass # try to assign a non_compliance (missing for most records) # WARNING: this could overwrite an existing non_compliance value try: if coding['non_compliance'].iloc[0] == '': raise ValueError else: record['non_compliance_penalty'] = coding['non_compliance'].iloc[0] except Exception: pass # try to assign an enforcement (missing for most records) # WARNING: this could overwrite an existing enforcement value try: if coding['who_enforcement'].iloc[0] == '': raise ValueError else: record['enforcement'] = coding['who_enforcement'].iloc[0] except Exception: pass return(record)
[docs]def none_to_empty_str(s): """ Convert None values to an empty string. Useful for changing None values for smooth mapping of who coding. Parameters ---------- s : type String to be converted. Returns ------- type Outut string, if string equalled None, returns '', else returns original string. """ if pd.isna(s): return('') else: return(s)
[docs]def replace_conditional(record: dict, field: str, value: str, replacement: str): """ Function to conditionally replace a value in a field. Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. field : str Key of field to be conditionally altered. value : str Value to identify and replace. replacement : str Value to insert on replacement. Returns ------- type Record with specified key altered if `record[key] == value`. Otherwise, the original record is returned. """ if record[field] == value: record[field] = replacement return(record)
[docs]def replace_sensitive_regions(record): """ Replace a selection of commonly occuring admin level issues. WHO recognizes certain administrative definitions that differ from ISO conventions. Future: Move specific region definitions to `config` directory. Parameters ---------- record : type Input record. Returns ------- type Record with sensitive regions changed. """ record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Kosovo', 'Serbia') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Hong Kong', 'China') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Taiwan', 'China') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Macau', 'China') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Macao', 'China') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Guadeloupe', 'France') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'Palestine', 'Israel') record = shift_sensitive_region(record, 'West Bank and Gaza', 'Israel') return(record)
[docs]def shift_sensitive_region(record: dict, original_name: str, new_name: str): """ Function to demote sensitive country names to `area_covered` from `country_territory_area`. Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. original_name : str Original country name from provider dataset. new_name : str New WHO-recognised country name. Returns ------- type Record with sensitive countries changed. """ if record['country_territory_area'] == original_name: record['area_covered'] = record['country_territory_area'] record['country_territory_area'] = new_name return(record)
[docs]def add_admin_level(record: dict): """ Set admin_level values to "national" or "other". If `area_covered` is blank: "national", else: "other". Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. Returns ------- type Record with `admin_level` added. """ if pd.isna(record['admin_level']) and pd.isna(record['area_covered']): record['admin_level'] = 'national' elif pd.isna(record['admin_level']) and not pd.isna(record['area_covered']): record['admin_level'] = 'other' return(record)
[docs]def remove_tags(record: dict, keys: list = ['comments']): """ Remove HTML tags from defined columns. Some datasets (CDC_ITF) provide comments that are enclosed in HTML tags for display on the web. Identifies content inside of HTML tags and returns content only. Example: "<p>Content</p>" -> "Content" Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. keys : list List of which keys HTML tage replacement should be applied to. Returns ------- type Record with HTML tags replaced in the defined tags. """ exp = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>') for key in keys: try: record[key] = exp.sub('', record[key]) except: record[key] = None return(record)
[docs]def replace_country(record: dict, country_name: str, area_name: str): """ Replace country name with an `area_covered` name. Promote a string in `area_covered` to `country_territory_area`. Applies to records where a WHO recognised country is defined as an administrative region of a different country. Parameters ---------- record : dict Input record. country_name : str Country name to be matched. area_name : str Area name to be matched. Returns ------- type Record with country `area_covered` promotion applied. """ if record['country_territory_area'] == country_name and record['area_covered'] == area_name: record['country_territory_area'] = area_name record['area_covered'] = None return(record)